Friday, July 5, 2024

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Orthodox Conference

On June 7th-9th 2024, the First Orthodox Conference was held at the Holy Theotokos Convent in Cedar Valley, Canada. The conference, held on Friday and Saturday, was attended by Clergy and faithful from Canada and abroad, with 4 speakers who each gave a talk concerning the modern issues of Orthodox Christians in these times. Despite many temptations the conference was a success and God willing will become an annual event in our Church. 

On Saturday night the Vigil for St. John the Russian was served followed by Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning served by Metropolitan Philarete of France and co-celebrating Clergy. The Liturgy was followed by a procession and Holy Water service at the site of the future building of St. John the Russian, where the foundation stone was also blessed by Metropolitan Makarios of Toronto, Metropolitan Philarete of France, and the Clergy. 

Youtube Links are available on each title:

Talk of Fr. Theodore

Talk of Metropolitan Philarete

Talk of Priestmonk John

Talk of Hierodeacon Ieronymos

Vigil Service

Divine Liturgy


Holy Water

Foundation Stone

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

St. Myrtidiotissa, Nun

Today, along with St. George is celebrated another Saint who loved him. St. Myrtidiotissa of Klisoura was a fool for Christ and Ascetic woman who was a faithful member of the Church following the Old Calendar. She would encourage all to follow the Old as she did. This is not something recognized by those on the new calendar, who refer to her as “St. Sophia.”

St. Myrtidiotissa was tonsured a nun by her Spiritual Father, Archimandrite (future Metropolitan) Cyprian who at that time was under Archbishop Auxentius, and her sponsor in Monastic life was Mother Mary Myrtidiotissa Nun of the convent of the Annunciation on the island of Oinousses, which also followed the Old Calendar. This can be seen in the first Photo below, which shows on the left St. Myrtidiotissa, which her sponsor on the right, Mother Mary Myrtidiotissa. The second picture also shows Mother Mary, with Archimandrite Panteleimon (+2016) on her left and Metropolitan Makarios of Toronto on her right, who is still the Spiritual Father of the Convent (where the hair of St. Myrtidiotissa cut at her tonsure is kept) until this day thus also showing her strict adherence to the True Orthodox Faith.
St. Myrtidiotissa once told people that St. George (who she loved greatly) would come to her on his horse and collect her and bring her to the heavens on his feast day, which he told her himself. This indeed happened, and of course it was according to the Old Calendar, while today the New calendarists celebrate her with an incorrect 13 day difference, even though she died in the 70s, well after the calendar change…
Whenever anyone on the new calendar comes and tells you about “St. Sophia,” remember this and explain it to them, show them the pictures, and hope that their love for St. Myrtidiotissa would compel them to change their thinking.

Pascha Encyclical of Archbishop Makarios



In honour of the Feast Day of St. John the Russian, the first annual Orthodox Conference will take place at the Holy Theotokos Convent in Cedar Valley, Canada, the location where the Church of St. John the Russian will be built. Clergy from around the world will be participating and all are welcome to attend.


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Sunday of the Prodigal Son

On Sunday February 19th (Old Style) Vespers (Saturday evening) and Divine Liturgy (Sunday Morning) were celebrated on the Sunday of the prodigal son and honour of St. Philothei of Athens by Archbishop Makarios of Athens and celebrating clergy. We would like to announce that Fr. Theodore Alamanos has been received into our Church. He was accepted with joy by all the faithful and will be the rector of the Holy Theotokos Convent in Cedar Valley, Canada.